Marc Kilgour

Marc Kilgour
Henderson's Boys character
First appearance The Escape
Created by Robert Muchamore
Birth name Marc Kilgour
Gender Male
Occupation CHERUB agent
Family Marc was abandoned as a baby so has no known family
Nationality French

Marc Kilgour is a fictional character from the Henderson's Boys series of books by Robert Muchamore. He was born in France not long before the Second World War. He was found by Charles Henderson and helped him to foil the German Invasion of Britain.


Background and early life

Kilgour was found as a baby at the Beauvais train station in France. His mother was never found so he spent his life up to the age of 12 at an all-boys orphanage which was run by the Catholic Church.

Physical appearance

Marc is handsome and of stocky build. He has greenish blue eyes and tangled blond hair. He lost one of his front teeth as it was pulled out by a Gestapo officer.[1]


Marc is very intelligent. He is especially good at languages and a friendly teacher taught him German which helped him during Eagle Day.


The Escape

[1] The story begins with Marc being beaten by the 'headmaster' of his orphanage. During the air raid that follows Marc takes his chance and runs away, stealing some of the Headmaster's belongings. He ends up in Charles Henderson's house. At the time he does not know who Charles Henderson is. A group of Gestapo officers break into the house, hoping to find Henderson who is not there. They interrogate Marc whose front tooth is pulled out in the process. Charles Henderson finds Marc in his house and, with Paul and Rosie Clarke sets out for the port so that they can return to England. Marc does not go with Paul and Rosie, as he has no passport. The story ends on a cliff-hanger with the news that the Cardiff Bay, the boat on which Paul and Rosie were sailing has been sunk.

Eagle Day

[2] In Eagle Day Marc helps Henderson foil the Invasion of Britain plot. When entering a war zone Charles Henderson pretends to be a farmer. It turns out that Farmers are not allowed in, so the Officer at the entrance writes him down as a translator. After a couple of weeks of working as a translator, Henderson manages to get Marc a job too. The story ends with the group arriving in England and meeting Eileen McAfferty.

Secret Army

At the beginning of the book, Marc has an operation to remove the fragmented root of the tooth that was pulled out by the Gestapo at a dentist in London. Afterwards, Henderson forgets to collect him and he is forced to find his way back to Henderson's gentleman club by himself, where he finds Henderson drunk. That night, German bombers drop incendiary bombs on the club, and Marc battles his way through the smoke to rescue an old man who is trapped, suffering smoke inhalation. This brings him to the attention of an Admiral, who gives Marc a present and offers to help the struggling unit secure a spot on a training exercise.

He returns to campus for a few days, before travelling with the rest of Group A for a parachute training course. Marc discovers that he has a fear for heights, and feels too scared to jump out of a plane the first time around. He is depressed afterwards, but is offered a second chance and, after encouragement from Paul, performs his jump near-perfectly. He then travels north to Scotland with the rest of the CHERUB team on a training exercise to try and capture an anti-aircraft gun, where he helps steal and transport the gun to London's King's Cross Station.


  1. ^ a b Muchamore, Robert (2009). The Escape. Henderson's Boys. 1. Hodder. ISBN 978-0-340-95648-9. 
  2. ^ Muchamore, Robert (2009). Eagle Day. Henderson's Boys. 2. Hodder. ISBN 978-0-340-95649-6. 

See also

External links